How Dirt Rich Brew Changed my Life

The Mountain
I'd been on a journey of figuring out my "health" for a long time. And by journey I mean, lots of trial and error: changing the diet, binging on junk food, cleaning up my act, gym memberships, 30 extra pounds of junk food later... back at the beginning. Honestly, the "journey" felt more like being trapped in a time loop where I kept making the same mistakes, repeating the same habits.

But I kept at it. For a while, I started to exercise, celebrated my small wins and built some momentum behind my better eating choices. I found a rhythm! I started to lose the fat, increased my energy and felt great about myself. Then once again, life started happening. Career changes, living changes, relationship changes, belief changes, friendship changes. Growth happened in a way that was painful and jarring and I hit a mental wall. So, I slowly walked backwards toward my time loop trap and jumped in.
Painful Motivation
In early 2021, I was diagnosed with Cancer. A fear I had never felt before washed over me and I spent the next year trying to figure out a new normal. I spent weeks researching medical journals and studies to figure out how to optimize my health using natural remedies alongside traditional options. The earth is rich with what we need to thrive, so that's where I looked first... in the dirt.

I learned about specific roots and mushrooms that were full of life enhancing elements such as adaptogens, antioxidants, vitamins and more. Those roots and mushrooms became the foundational ingredients of what Dirt Rich Brew is today. For the first several months, I just made the brew for myself and drank it on a regular basis. I soon started to share it with friends and family. Now, I'm sharing it with you.
I know two things for sure:
1) Food is fuel. What we put into our bodies plays a major role in optimal health, longevity and quality of life.
2) Being intentional about my health could no longer be an option. We all need the support of a process/routine if we want our good habits to become a good lifestyle.
More to come. Until then...
Love & Full Mugs,